Thursday 24 March 2011

16 weeks... could be the halfway mark?!

We're 16 weeks along now. If bubs decide to come early we are halfway through already. Spooky! I think I'll get to 35 weeks before I pop, or at least I hope I get that far. Here's my belly today:

Note my belly button - nearly all the way out already!! I swear each morning I wake up and can see a difference in my girth...

The morning sickness is becoming less now which is great, but I am still struggling with low blood pressure fairly regularly. We have had something of a heat spell the last few days too which hasn't helped. So now I have to take additional iron supplements to my hardcore pregnancy vitamin. Asti checks each time I have them that I am not sick and it isn't Maxalon (she is very empathetic and checks I'm ok when the morning sickness does it's thing). She's a gorgeous mother hen when she wants to be - lets hope it lasts when the bubs arrive.

We finally have a date for our next ultrasound too - the 14th of April. Fingers crossed the bubs are co-operative and let us check out their bits! Absolutely busting to found out if we are having brat boys/girls or both, and to make the job of name finding half the task.

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